Posted by: Calvin | May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Nature Cruise

We spent Memorial Day on the boat with our friends from the Keys.   It was a typical beautiful, sunny day out on the water.  We had the extra good fortune to have a cool breeze and great company.  The boys fished.  Baseball Boy caught the biggest snook of the day.

On our way to a snapper hole, we spotted a pod of dolphin swimming by.  We stopped to float and enjoy the view.  It was then that we noticed momma and baby manatees swimming by as well.  They nuzzled their noses as they came out of the water for a breath.  I was able to get a picture of the manatees coming up for air.


Notice the dophin fin in the top right cornor of the picture?  It was another glorious day on the water!


  1. That looks like a rock! Oh…up there! lol!

  2. The “rock” is actually the two manatee noses. If you look closely you can see the shadow of their bodies. The momma (on the right) has rough skin and the baby (on the left) has smooth skin. Their noses are touching.

  3. Wow, you had a marine animal feast, dolphins swimming and manatees floating. What a combo. I love them both.

    I would imagine you see them both a lot in the Florida Keys.
    God Bless,
    Dolphin Swim Man

  4. Man……… I miss Naples!!!! You Guys too!

  5. […] contest!   My nine year old can catch snook with his eyes shut!  (He opens his eyes for the picture.)  He caught a 26″ snook on Memorial Day.  It put up a great fight and took a few big […]

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